Getting Started with DirectAdmin: A Comprehensive Guide

Getting Started with DirectAdmin: A Comprehensive Guide

Table of Contents

  • What is DirectAdmin?
  • Accessing the Control Panel for the First Time
  • Navigating in DirectAdmin
  • Changing Your Password
  • Setting Up Two-Factor Authentication
  • Signing Out
  • Need More Help?

What is DirectAdmin?

DirectAdmin is a web hosting control panel that allows you to manage your websites, email accounts, and various online applications. It's a popular choice due to its user-friendly interface, low system requirements, and cost-effectiveness.


  • Clear Interface: DirectAdmin offers a straightforward interface that makes it relatively easy to use.
  • Low System Requirements: It is compatible with almost every server and system.
  • Cost-Effective: DirectAdmin is generally affordable, making it a popular choice among users.

Accessing the Control Panel for the First Time

To access the DirectAdmin control panel, append :2222 to your domain or IP address. For example:


Upon logging in, make sure to update your email address for important notifications.

Navigating in DirectAdmin

Once logged in, you'll find various menu items to manage your website:

  • Domain Setup: Add or remove domain names and create sub-domains.
  • Create/Restore Backups: Create and restore backups of your website.
  • FTP Management: Manage FTP accounts and permissions.
  • MySQL Management: Add or manage MySQL databases.
  • File Manager: Upload, modify, or delete files on your server.
  • SPAM Filters: Manage spam settings for your email accounts.
  • Email Accounts: Create and manage email addresses.
  • Custom Error Pages: Customize your website's error pages.
  • Apps Installer: Install applications like WordPress with a few clicks.

Changing Your Password

To change your DirectAdmin password, click on the button located at the top-right corner of the screen and follow the prompts.

Setting Up Two-Factor Authentication


  • A DirectAdmin User account
  • Google Authenticator or similar software on your phone to scan the QR code and generate one-time codes.

Configuration Steps

  1. Log in to DirectAdmin: Access your DirectAdmin panel.
  2. Open Two-Step Authentication: Navigate to the "Two-Step Authentication" section.
  3. Generate Secret Key: Click on "Generate Secret" to create a secret key.

Make sure to select "Require valid Two-Step Authentication Code to login to this account." Test if your 2FA is generating the necessary one-time codes by entering it in the "QR Code" field. Click "Save" to enable two-factor authentication for your account.

Signing Out

To sign out, simply click on the sign-out button. Make sure to close all browser windows to ensure your session is completely terminated.

Need More Help?

If you encounter any issues or have further questions, feel free to contact Warpline Support for assistance.

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